An easy & proven guide to design your ideal lifestyle & live out your dreams.

The Dreams List heps you re-orient your priorities, re-architect some key habits, and (literally) live the life of your dreams.

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Hi, meet Alex Funk

Alex grew up in a town of 1,000 people only to...

Buy 3 houses by the age of 23
Run multiple million-dollar sales teams by age 24
Complete a treadmill marathon & place in a bodybuilding show
His Story

The Modern Day Bucket List

Alex teaches dream-oriented lifestyle design.

Most people think, ‘I’ll start dreaming when I have more time and money. But, as he’s proven in his own life, dream achievement is a function of intentionality and habits. Not bank roll.

Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world.

Whatever it is, your story cannot be written without epic pursuit. Read how Alex has used his ‘Dreams’ concept to go from the small-town of Pierz, Minnesota to one of the youngest leaders in multiple industries.

About His Work

Alex has a deep passion for helping others and serving those around him.

He loves the impact he gets to have on students during their most transformational years while helping them achieve their goals personally, professionally, and financially.

His teams have been a part of over $5 million in sales while keeping a culture of accomplishing their dreams at the forefront.  How can Alex help you live a happier, more fulfilled life regardless of your career or income?

30 Days to unlock your Dream Life; A simple step-by-step guide for forming habits that stick.

Take the guesswork out of building your dream life.

Lessons that walk you through the first 30 days of your dream life step-by-step, so you know exactly what to do.

Get the tools and strategies you need to take action.

The course includes a workbook (including templates and cheatsheets), plus new examples and applications that you can’t find in The Dreams List book.

Learn a framework that works for any dream.

You can use this course to achieve any dream – from getting fit, to saving for an early retirement, to daily meditation.

Enroll in the free Dream Life Accelerator course and
get your first lesson today.
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Creating a Dreams List

Embrace the Adventure of Creating Your Dreams List

A Dreams List is more than just a collection of goals; it’s a roadmap to living a life filled with passion, adventure, and fulfillment.

Alex Funk, the author of Dreams List, understands this deeply. His journey of crossing off bucket list items and making them a priority inspired him to share his story and guide others in doing the same.

Sometimes, it can be a bit sad to think about never accomplishing your dreams, but this vulnerability can also be a powerful motivator. If you’re ready to live your life to the fullest, here’s how you can create and make the most out of your Dreams List.

The Power of a Dreams List

A Dreams List is a personal compilation of all the things you want to experience, achieve, and accomplish in your lifetime. It serves as a constant reminder to live intentionally and strive for the extraordinary. For Alex Funk, creating a Dreams List was a transformative experience that brought clarity, motivation, and a renewed zest for life.

What Readers Say About The Dream List

Their words alone will have you wanting to start your Dreams List yesterday.

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The idea of accomplishing a dream isn't as simple as crossing something off a bucket list. It's about bettering oneself to more easily accomplish greater things in life. The Dreams List has made this concept clear and achievable for me.

Matt S
Verified Dreamer

I've been using mine faithfully! I've currently completed 120 out of my growing 500 list. This May, I crossed off 7! The Dreams List has changed my mentality and approach to life. It's helped me not only chase new dreams but also appreciate the smaller ones that I wouldn't have always notice

Ivy W
Verified Dreamer

The Dreams List empowers people to find joy in their life by giving structure to the idea that happiness comes not from a need to change, but a realization that we can.

Elliot J
Verified Buyer

The Dreams List has altered my outlook on life. The dreams that I accomplish through days, weeks, and years have been so much more fulfilling when they were planned prior than if I had done it randomly. It's changed my life, and I don't know where I'd be without it.

Spencer C
Verified Buyer

Crafting your Dreams List

Creating a Dreams List is an exciting and introspective process. Follow these steps to start your journey:

  • Reflect on Your Passions: Take some time to think about what excites you, what you’ve always wanted to do, and what will bring you the most joy and fulfillment. Encourage yourself to create your own list of Dreams, tailored to your unique aspirations.
  • Write It Down: List your Dreams in a journal, on a digital document, or use Alex's new age bucket list template. The act of writing them down makes them more tangible and real.
  • Categorize Your Dreams: Organize your list into categories such as travel, adventure, personal growth, and giving back. This makes it easier to focus on different aspects of your life.
  • Prioritize: Identify which items are most important to you and which ones you can start working on immediately.
  • Set Specific Goals: Break down each new age bucket list item into smaller, manageable steps with clear deadlines. This makes your Dreams more actionable.
  • Stay Flexible: Be open to new opportunities and adjust your list as needed. Life is unpredictable, and your new age bucket list might evolve over time.
  • Celebrate Achievements: Each time you cross an item off your new age bucket list, take a moment to celebrate your accomplishment and reflect on the experience.

Alex's Modern Day Bucket List Template

A Dreams List template can help you organize and track your dreams more effectively. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Download Alex's FREE Template: Start your Dreams List by downloading Alex's free customizable new age bucket list template. It'll include columns for the item, description, target date, and status
  • Categorize Your List: Divide your list into categories such as travel, adventure, personal growth, and giving back. This helps in maintaining a balanced approach to your dreams. Include goals like becoming a regular at a favorite coffee shop or restaurant to create perfect days filled with activities you love consciously.
  • Set Deadlines: Assign a target date for each item to create a sense of urgency and motivation.
  • Track Progress: Regularly update your new age bucket list template with the status of each item. Mark items as in progress, completed, or pending.
  • Add Notes: Include notes about your experiences, challenges, and learnings. This will serve as a valuable journal of your journey.
Download For Free

The Impact of a Dreams List

Creating and actively working on a Dreams List can have an incredible impact on your life. It can lead to personal growth, increased happiness, and a sense of accomplishment. Here are some ways a Dreams List can transform your life:

  • Boosts Motivation: Having clear goals gives you something to strive for and keeps you motivated.
  • Enhances Life Satisfaction: Achieving your Dreams brings immense satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment.
  • Fosters Personal Growth: Pursuing diverse experiences helps you grow as an individual and broadens your perspective.
  • Strengthens Relationships: Sharing your Dreams with others can strengthen your bonds and create shared experiences.
  • Promotes Well-Being: Engaging in activities you’re passionate about improves your overall well-being and happiness.

Best New Bucket List Ideas

The beauty of a Dreams List lies in its uniqueness to each individual. Whether you’re seeking thrilling adventures, personal growth, or meaningful contributions to society, the best bucket list ideas are those that resonate with your deepest desires. Here are some suggestions to inspire your Dreams List. For more ideas, feel free to explore and add your own inspirations

Adventures and Exploration

  1. Travel the World: Visit all seven continents, explore ancient ruins, hike through gorgeous nature reserves, immerse yourself in different cultures, and visit national parks like Yellowstone and Acadia.
  2. Adrenaline Adventures: Try skydiving, scuba diving, bungee jumping, paragliding, or white-water rafting.
  3. Epic Road Trips: Drive along iconic routes like Route 66 in the USA, the Great Ocean Road in Australia, or the Garden Route in South Africa. Plan an epic road trip through several national parks in Utah.

Personal Growth and Learning

  1. Learn a New Skill: Master a musical instrument, learn a new language, or take up painting or photography.
  2. Achieve a Personal Milestone: Run a marathon, complete a triathlon, set a new PR in a half marathon, or achieve a significant career goal.
  3. Educational Pursuits: Enroll in a course, attend a workshop, or complete a master’s degree in a field you’re passionate about.

Giving Back and Making a Difference

  • Volunteer: Participate in local community service, join a humanitarian mission, or support environmental conservation efforts.
  • Charity Work: Start or contribute to a charity, organize a fundraising event, or mentor someone in need.

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Every week we out the "Life's a 10" Newsletter. Ten unique dreams for you to add to your list, and one BIG idea that will make you think about your pursuit of autonomy.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer discounts for education?

Yes, we offer special discounts for educational institutions and business conferences/events. If you're organizing a seminar or event and would like to purchase multiple copies of "The Dreams List," please contact us directly to discuss your needs and receive a customized discount.

What is The Dreams List book about?

"The Dreams List: Unleash the Extraordinary Power of Turning Someday into Today" helps readers transform their aspirations into actionable plans. It covers lifestyle design, creating a dreams list, overcoming common barriers, and maximizing productivity for dream achievement. The book includes personal anecdotes, practical strategies, and a structured approach to achieving your dreams.”

Where can I get The Dreams List book?

You can purchase "The Dreams List" on our website, as well as from major online retailers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. For a complete list of where the book is available, visit our bookstore page.

Is The Dreams List book available in stores?

Yes, "The Dreams List" is available in major bookstores and online retailers. You can find it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other leading bookshops. Check our bookstore page for a list of locations and links to purchase.

What's the Difference Between Dreams List and Bucket list?

A Dreams List is a comprehensive approach to setting and achieving life goals, focusing on the systematic breakdown of aspirations into actionable steps. Unlike a traditional Bucket List, which often includes one-time experiences or achievements, a Dreams List integrates these goals into a broader lifestyle design, emphasizing continuous growth, habit formation, and environmental influence to support long-term fulfillment.

How can I get in touch with the author?

Alex loves connecting with readers and fans. You can reach out to him through the contact form on this website or follow him on social media for the latest updates and events. He looks forward to hearing from you!

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